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關於矽品 :

愛護地球,環保是全球的共識,而矽膠( silicone )更是被公認為最好的環保素材,有鑑於此,本公司的研發團隊,經過多年來的努力,開發出精緻又非常高品質的矽膠熱轉印標( Silicone Thermal Transfer Label ),而且我們產品不只是環保,製造過程更是環保,是名符其實的環保產品, SiLabel ® ( Silicone Thermal Transfer Label )以後就是我們的註冊商標。

在創新方面,本公司更開發出兩項引以為傲的專利產品 :

1.Silabel 多色(彩色)型高反光標籤: 具有高時尚性和高功能性,我們稱它為F2 ( Fashion & Function ),我們的標籤更廣泛應用於服裝、鞋子、皮包...等許多行業,提供美觀、時尚、及安全性(具反光功能)

2.Silabel QRcode 具防偽功能 : 我們的 SiLabel QRcode 高靈敏性、 可追溯性、精緻美觀,而且具防偽功能更可杜絕仿冒!

在大家都追求環保的今天,高品質、高環保又時尚的 SiLabel ® 是您一個非常好的選擇!

About us:

HP Silicone Label LTD. 

With more than 30 years of chemical engineering expertise, our R&D team has developed a thermal transfer label using Silicone as the base material.


The superior materials property of Silicone allows us to produce high resolution, environmental-friendly and highly durable labels. SiLabel® is  our Trademark for Silicone Thermal Transfer Label.

Regarding SiLabels, we have two patented products:

 1. SiLabel with multi-colors high reflective character offering fashion and functionality(safety).

We refer to these as F2 (Fashion & Function). Our labels are targeted extensively in apparel, shoes, hand bags and many other industries. SiLabel provides aesthetics, fashion, and safety (with reflective function).


2.SiLabel QRcode with anti-counterfeiting function for high-value textile products.

Our SiLabel QRcode is highly sensitive, traceable, exquisite, and aesthetical-appealing.

With the addition of thermal and UV sensitive properties, we are able to custom-made optical properties for your products to prevent counterfeit motives.


In the world we live today when everyone is pursuing environmental products with high-quality and aesthetics, our environmental-friendly and fashionable SiLabel® is the best choice for you!

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